Conflict Resolution: Why it is Essential to your Condominium Communities Health!

The unfortunate inevitability of conflict in any community is a reality that most Board of Directors don’t anticipate. While ideally, members of a community should be able to come together amicably to reach a resolution point on any given issue, it doesn’t always come that easily. That is where the Board often has to step in, and many times the property manager, to take a third party position and make the best decision for the good of the Corporation and individuals involved.

The members of our team have walked alongside many Board of Directors in these such moments of tension. Having a third party that is removed from the emotional aspect of the conflict, to come in to provide an unbiased opinion, can be a valuable asset in communities.

The guidance of our property managers is one of the added and often unanticipated benefits of having a professional property management team.

If you are a Condominium Board that is managing all of the ins and outs of Community life, and you would like the assistance of our Property Management Team, please feel free to contact us for your obligation free discussion today. Call 780-833-5555 during regular office hours, or email [email protected] for more information.