Alberta Property Management
Conflict Resolution in a Condominium Community

Conflict Resolution: Why it is Essential to your Condominium Communities Health!

The unfortunate inevitability of conflict in any community is a reality that most Board of Directors don’t anticipate. While ideally, members of a community should be able to come together amicably to reach a resolution point on any given issue, it doesn’t always come that easily. That is where the Board often has to step…
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Changing Condominium Managers Process

Changing Condominium Managers: What is the Process?

Are you considering a change in Condominium Managers? This can be an intimidating prospect! Between finding the right manager, building a new property management plan, changing over accounts, and more, it can be easy to remain with a manager that you aren’t satisfied with. So what is the process of changing managers and how do…
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Condominium Board of Directors

Condominium Board of Directors: What are their roles in your Condominium Corporation?

The board of directors can be defined as an elected party of volunteers tasked with the decision making for your condominium corporation. See more here!
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Property Managers

Property Managers: What are their roles in your Condominium Community?

Property Managers fill many of the key roles in your condominium community. Check out our blog to see how we can help you function optimally.
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Top 10 Rental Investment Tips

Grande Prairie has a unique market for investors looking to purchase rental homes. The nature of the industries that surround our great city, means that we tend to always be moving and shifting. Transient workers coming from everywhere, means that our rental market is almost always hot. If you are an investor looking at getting…
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Who We Work With

Who Do We Work With?

Property Managers have the great privilege of working with many different kinds of professionals and investors.
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New Year, New Goals

2024: New Year, New Goals!

How do investors and business people seem to do it all? They delegate to the right people! Do you need help with your property management? Call us today!
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2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review

If 2023 could be described as anything for the Key Investment Management Team, it would be a whirlwind! We were met with our fair share of trials, much like anyone else in these times, but it was also a time of growth in many ways. Check out how things have evolved for our team this…
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AGMs: What you need to know about your Annual General Meeting

AGMs: What You Need to Know About Your Annual General Meeting

Being a part of your Condominium Community is integral to it’s success. One of the most important ways that you can support your board of directors is to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM), but what is an AGM and why is it so important? What is an AGM? An AGM, or Annual General Meeting,…
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Energy Efficiency: Tips on how to help minimize your properties energy and gas bills!

Keep cozy and have more money in your pockets by taking a few extra steps to make your home more energy efficient!
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How Do I Know What Condo Documents I Need?

Are you buying or selling a Condominium? It can be tough to know where to start when you are looking for condominium documents. It is made especially difficult because every condominium and purchase agreement is different, so here is what you need to know! What are condominium documents? Condominium documents are the information that you…
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Snow Removal for Condominiums and Commercial Properties

Snow Removal Should Be a Part of Your Property Management Plan. Here’s Why!

With the unpredictable Albertan winter close at hand, have you considered why a snow removal plan might be necessary for your property? According to this article by the CBC, between 2011 and 2016 the rate of frequency of serious injuries due to falls on ice is a 43.2 per 100,000 people. These are reported to…
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Two Legal Acts That All Albertan Condominium Owners Need to Know about!

If you have been around for a while and seen any of our other Key to Management Blogs, you will see the Condominium Property Act and the Condominium Property Regulation are mentioned very frequently. That is because these two pieces of legislation formulate the foundation for everything to do with the development, ownership, and management…
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Professional Condominium Management

Professional Condominium Management

You are now the proud owner of your condominium- congratulations! As an owner in the condominium corporation, there are a lot of considerations that you need to think about to make the best business decisions for your investment. Like anything, the management of your condominium can mean the difference between many frustrations and the loss…
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What you need to know about renting your condominium.

Renting Your Condominium:

What You Need to Know! Are you thinking of renting your condominium? Congratulations! Owning a rental property is an excellent way to expand your financial portfolio. While it may seem like a straightforward thing, there are a lot of considerations that you need to be aware of before you begin the process. Here are a…
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Tips from a Property Manager

Tips From a Property Manager: Part 1

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute to Request Your Condominium Documents! When you are purchasing a condominium, you are also purchasing a share in a corporation. As such, it is best to look at your purchase as and investment and business decision. As with any business decision, it is important to have all of the…
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How do I know when it's time to hire a property manager?

Rental Properties:

When do I Know it’s Time to Hire a Property Manager? Many landlords struggle with knowing when is the right time to hire a property manager. Some continue to manage the day-to-day needs of their rentals, while others prefer to hand over the operations of their rental property to a manager right away. How do…
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Being proactive in maintenance

Being Proactive!

What it can mean for you and your investment! What is the trick that we stand by when it comes to protecting our clients investments and properties? The proactive management of maintenance and the anticipation of future problems. By having a keen eye that is open to the upcoming needs of a property and keeping…
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Condominium Energy Rebate

I Own a Condominium, Why Don’t I Get the Energy Rebate?

If you are a condominium owner in Alberta, you may be wondering why you haven’t received an energy rebate. With the cost of living, we are looking for savings everywhere- we get it! The truth is, that many condominiums include their power bill in the condominium fees that they charge owners. Meaning that all of…
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Condominium Contributions: What are they for?

Condominium Contributions: What Are They For?

Condominium contributions are a hot topic for condominium owners. What are they? How are they determined? Why do they go up? If I am paying contributions, why did we need a special levy? Every condo owner must pay condominium contributions (also known as condominium fees) to the condominium corporation. These contributions go towards the corporation’s:operating account andreserve fund What…
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Budgets: Why are They Integral to the Health of Your Community

Budgets: Why are they Integral to the Health of Your Community?

Condominium Corporations have unique and complicated financial needs. That is why developing a solid budget and sticking to it is integral to your condominium communities health. There are many considerations when developing a budget that will create long term sustainability to your communities and we will walk through some of the most fundamental aspects that…
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Condominium Information

Condominiums Explained

A condo, short for condominium, is an individually owned residential unit in a building or complex comprised of other residential units. Condo owners share a common space and often pay association fees to maintain the common space, amenities, and other shared resources. Investopedia Condominiums can be either residential or commercial and simply stated, a condominium owner…
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Property Managers

Property Managers: What Do We Do?

We hear it all the time, what do we do as property managers? Take a peek at what some of our roles are in your property management!
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Property Management

Welcome to Key Investment Property Management Inc.

Welcome! Our goal is to not only provide dedicated and professional services to our clients, but we also want to provide you with information that is valuable.
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